Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. The term COPD comprises several diseases the two most prevalent being emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Most people diagnosed with COPD have a combination of both. One of the most common symptoms of COPD is a chronic cough and excess mucus production. This chronic cough can lead to tightness of the chest, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
Currently there is no cure for COPD. It is a progressive disease that can have a significant impact on quality of life. Researchers have been trying to find a cure for years to help the millions of patients that suffer from this disease.
This treatment uses stem cells to regenerate damaged cells to help battle your COPD. It was only recently discovered that stem cells are present in adult lungs, so stem cell treatment is in its infancy stage. At this time trial results are promising if inconclusive, but researchers are learning more and more every day.
What are Cells?
Your body is made up of over 200 different cell types. Each cell type has its own size,
For example, skin cells are compact and small and protect the outside of your body from harm, while nerve cells have long, branch-like fibers called axons that conduct electrical currents between your brain and your peripheral nervous system.
Cells group together to form tissue and tissue is used to form your organs. Each and every cell has its own job and they work together to ensure that the organs in your body perform and work properly. All human cells, no matter the size, have these things in common:
Stem Cells: What are They?
Inside you, there are many different types of stem cells that are formed at different times of your life. These stem cells get their name from the fact that they are the foundation for or stem from which every organ and tissue in your body has formed. These include embryonic stem cells that exist in our early development and various adult stem cells that appear when we are developing as a fetus and remain inside our bodies through our lifetime.
How Stem Cells are Different
You may have heard about stem cell trials for people with neurological illnesses or spinal cord injuries, but there are other illnesses that stem cells may be useful for treating.
Types of Stem Cells
Embryonic - As their name suggests they are derived from humans in the embryo stage which form three to five days after egg fertilization. In normal development these cells will evolve into more specialized cells that grow into specific organs or tissues. Scientists remove the inner cell mass and grow the cells in laboratory conditions so that they retain embryonic properties.
Tissue Specific- These cells are adult, or somatic stem cells. They posses the ability to generate cell types for the specific organ or tissue which they are a part of. These stem cells are extremely challenging to locate in the human body. Studying these specialized stem cells has provided science with a great deal of knowledge about aging and disease development.
Mesenchymal- These stem cells exist in the connective tissue that surrounds tissue and organs, also known as the stroma. The discovery of these type of stem cells is relatively recent and their healing capability, if any, is not fully understood. These cells do seem to possess specific characteristics depending where they come from and how they grow.
Induced Pluripotent- These cells have been laboratory engineered by transforming tissue specific cells into cells with embryonic properties. These cells help researchers learn about disease onset and progression. They are quite often used for developing new treatments and drugs.
Stem Cells Used for COPD Treatment
Many different types of cells are being considered for treatment with each trial trying to develop more effective treatments. Generally speaking they are adult stem cells extracted from the patient themselves. These cells are being engineered in the ways described above in an attempt to get healthy lung tissue cells to reproduce and grow.
What Treated Cells Do
Due to the recent discovery of stem cells in the lungs, clinical trials are currently being conducted for treatment of your COPD. Researchers believe stem cell treatments are promising and will help patients in new and effective ways. Currently the treatments are only in the clinical trial phase. Stem cell treatment for COPD has the potential to help patients in these ways:
Stem Cell Treatments and What They Entail
To perform a stem cell transplant, the stem cells must first be harvested from the patient’s own blood or bone marrow, or from a matched donor. The stem cells are separated and returned to the patient intravenously. Once the cells are returned to the patient, they can begin to promote healing.
When something, such as medication, blood, or stem cells, is introduced to your body through an IV, it goes directly to the right side of the heart. Within a heartbeat or two, it is pushed straight to the lungs. Then your blood distributes the item throughout the body.
However, this process changes a little when it comes to stem cells. During studies conducted for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers found that stem cells go through this process but get trapped when they arrive in the lungs. This is commonly called the pulmonary trap, and although it may not be good news for someone who wishes to see those cells move throughout the body, it’s a happy occurrence for those looking to slow down the progression of a chronic lung disease.
Words of Caution
While we don't want to discourage you from being open to trying new treatments or being optimistic about developments, we do want you to be cautious.
Stem cell transplant for the treatment of lung disease is a groundbreaking medical treatment currently in the clinical trials phase. This treatment has the potential to heal damaged lung tissue and cure COPD in the future. There are still many unknowns about this process. However, with new technology and research being constantly developed, it is conceivable that one day your COPD won’t just be treated, it could be cured.